Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Beautiful Construction



James 1:2-4


Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” 



This is becoming a pain in my backside.  Every day I have to find another route, only to be rerouted from the route I thought would give me clearance.  I am so frustrated why are we just sitting here? “move” Go! What is taking so long?  This is frustrating the living daylights out of me!   Does any of this sounds familiar? 


If  you live in North Dallas, or any other major city that’s  steadily growing and showing no signs of slowing down you know exactly what this is.. Construction!  It is definitely an angst for most people.  We just want to get in our vehicles and cruise from point A to point B,  but due to unforeseen circumstances we are not allowed this comfort. 


Such is life when you think about it?  No one wants their life  to appear ugly and disheveled.   It just screams chaos, and confusion to the world.  When we are under construction it looks as though we are failing to everyone else, but to God, we are a beautiful masterpiece in the making.  


This scripture in James use to confuse me so much.  I didn’t understand how James could be asking us to rejoice in the midst of trials.  Who do you know rejoice when trouble comes?   “YES! My car is being repossessed today this is Awesome!!”  Or  “I just found out that I have a rare blood disease. winning!”    No one does this?  But here James is asking us to see our troubles from the inside out, because this is God’s perspective.  He sees the beauty in what we  will develop into, but we have to persevere and see it to the end. 


Reroutes, delays, and hours sitting in traffic is appealing to no one.  It is only when we learn to put on an audible book, play our favorite track, or catch up with a friend while sitting in the mess can we sort of appreciate it.   Through perseverance we are  learning to appreciate  both sides of what this craziness is producing.   


When the cement trucks, utility vehicles, and bull dozers disappear what we gain is something we never imagined.  Patience, Maturity, and Beauty.     “oh wow have you seen what they have built over there on Glory Road?  It is so nice!”  


Now, we can bask in the light of what our new neighborhood or city looks like. It is something to be proud of and we don’t mind showing it off when friends and family come to visit! 


When you are in your next trial, try to focus on the glory after.  Think about what you are  becoming.  Sit still ; be patient and remember that your beautiful is on the horizon. 


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