Friday, September 4, 2020

"Sit Down and Be Quiet"




2020, what a year right? I think it’s safe to say that this year will go down in history as one of the craziest. I was sitting in a waiting area, and a man walk in with a t-shirt that read “2020 Sucks”, and his wife was wearing a “SNAPPED” t-shirt.  I think this is the only time you can wear something like that, and people not think you are suicidal or homicidal, well, because we all get it! 


This year all the things that you could never imagine happened, and all at the same time.  In addition to the pandemic many of us are experiencing personal tragedies.  The waters are turbulent, everyone has an opinion about it, and our government leaders don’t have a viable solution. 


The phase uncertain times has been used a lot, and it is exactly that.   We have nothing solid to stand on.  A global pandemic, civil injustice and unrest, a political circus, a shook educational system, unemployment, businesses shutting down, and on top of that everyone is tired of social distancing and wearing masks! 


So, what can we do?  Well, as my momma use to say to me when I was a kid; “Get somewhere, sit your tail down, and be quiet!”   I am pretty sure she didn’t know she was being biblical at the time, but folks God has us right where He wants us, don’t believe me? Read Psalm 46:10, and the entire chapter for that matter.     


Psalm 46 reminds us, that God is our refuge and strength. Our place of safety and substance.  God is a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear no matter how devastating the storm.  It can be difficult to rest in this truth when we are listening to everyone and everything but, God. 


People.  God wants us to sit down,and be quiet long enough to know Him. He wants us to hear what He has to say right now. He wants to keep us safe; give us real knowledge, wisdom and peace.  We can have peace right now.  However, peace won’t come while we are having futile arguments with people on social media every chance we get, or while watching endless hours of CNN or Fox news as they scare the daylights out of us from sunup to sun down?


    Only God knows everything about everyone, and every situation. Only God knows the heart of every individual including ours. Take this time to know God. Block out all the noise. Too many opinions, theories, and stores will steal your clarity of thought. It muffles the sound of God’s voice; if you can hear it at all? 


To know God is to understand Him, to observe and recognize what He is trying to do through your situations, and the world’s. To know God is to know Him well enough to understand why these things have to happen, and what you should be doing as a result of them.  Be still in Him, and He will keep you still, as in poised, calm, clear, obedient to Him, and active where it counts the most.


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