Sunday, July 4, 2021

 Today our country is celebrating the 4th of July. Here, it is a celebration of independence from British rule dating back to 1776. In America, freedom is our prized possession, but with it also comes a lot of responsibility.   I like to think of spiritual freedom in the same way.  

God, who is the creator of this world, created man with independent thinking. We have the ability to choose Him or to not choose Him. I always say God doesn't want robots.  We have to operate in a way that goes beyond the surface.  For many years, The fourth of July to me meant, a day off.  A day where I could eat as much barbecue, and banana pudding as I wanted without guilt.  It was a day to relax and enjoy my family and friends. That's the surface. However, it wasn't until I was older that I understood that huge sacrifices were made in order for us to celebrate this day.  I am thankful to the soldiers that gave their lives in that war for our freedom.  Likewise, Jesus also made sacrifices, that led to him making the  ultimate sacrifice for our spiritual freedom. 

In the Bible text John 4:23-24,  Jesus was speaking to Samaritan woman about true worship and fellowship with Him.  In a nutshell, she didn't know who or what her people were worshipping.  They worshipped out of tradition.  Jesus was there to let her know that true worship is not contained to one particular place. True worship is through the man that was standing in front of her. A time was coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit, and Truth. 

To worship in the Spirit is to go beyond the surface of religion and obligation. Spirit worship seeks to know God intimately, to build a relationship through faith, love, and trust.  To worship God in truth, is to  worship Him through His son ,Jesus Christ.  Before Christ's birth and death, people worshipped God through a High Priest.  Priests would go to God with sacrifices on behalf of the people to pardon their sins. 

 Jesus Christ died, so that we could have this freedom to get in contact with God (through Him) whenever we want to.  He also gave us the freedom to choose Him over 2000 years ago, and still today in 2021. 

 Know the man that you are worshipping. Don't settle for tradition, rituals, or spiritual checklists. Go deeper, and pursue a real relationship with God, just as you would any relationship. Connect with Him through His son Jesus by prayer, and the studying of His Word.  The things you will learn about Him daily will release a power in you, and that power has no limits.  There is nothing too hard for God, and his resources never run dry. 


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