Wednesday, May 8, 2019

You've Got Troubles..

How do you handle life's disappointments? When trouble arrives do you stress or host your own pity party? Do you have a meltdown or seek unhealthy escape routes? I think it's safe to say fear of failure and the unknown has gotten the best of all of us a time or two. But, I love St John 16:33 because it keeps it all the way real with us. "In this world, you're going to have trouble." 

The above biblical truth is in my top 3 because it dispels the myth that going through troubles, loss, and hard times somehow exempts you from God's favor. But Jesus is pretty clear here...make no mistake about it, troubles are hitched to your wagon from the moment you exit your mother's womb and enter this fallen world, clearly pointed out in Job 14:1 But,...(that conjunction is key.) Take heart, in ME you SHALL have PEACE because I have overcome This World.

So what brings you security? Is it money or things? Is it solid relationships, friendships, a spouse? All of these things are wonderful to have, but when life rocks the boat or tips it all the way over what will you do? How will you see yourself? Hardships or "failure" can really chip away at your self worth if you let it. But if you remember this scripture, and strive to keep your Identity with Christ and not in this world you WILL have peace no matter what occurs in this life.

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